Gala Fish Counter Demo

50% Classified *

This is an example of a project article.  It can optionally be included in the project page.

MammalWeb UK

32% Classified *

This is an example of a project article.  It can optionally be included in the project page.

AudioWeb test project

15% Classified *

Project for testing audio file upload and classification.


Please keep spotting *

A consortium project assessing the potential to expand citizen-led camera trapping for mammal monitoring across Europe.

Hancock Museum

85% Classified *

The project is engaging local schools in camera trapping across the northeast to help understand the wildlife on their doorstep as part of the activities for ‘Dippy on Tour’.

Scottish Wildcats

Please keep spotting *

Scottish Wildcat Action

The Scottish Wildcat is critically endangered due to factors including historic persecution and hybridisation (or cross-breeding) with feral domestic cats. While wildcats are legally protected, the on-going hybridisation makes identification difficult, leading to

County Durham Survey

23% Classified *

A large-scale camera trapping project to study mammal distribution, abundance and behaviour across County Durham. For this project, camera traps were placed in a systematic grid of 109 sites over summer 2018.

BES Encounters

91% Classified *

Project led by the British Ecological Society working with primary schools across the North East of England to transform school grounds and monitor the wildlife that visits.

Forest of Dean Pine Martens

0% Classified *

A project containing camera trap from the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust with the aim of identifying and monitoring pine martens.

Helens Test Project

46% Classified

This is the first project after the original. It is set up to test the new work to create projects within Mammal Web. This is a deliberately long description so that display can be tested. A little extra text to get the description to full size. Are we

MammalWeb at Deerbolt

100% Classified

Deerbolt visitor centre project

NatureSpy - North York Moors - Photos

Please keep spotting *

In 2017 our cameras picked up the first images of pine marten in Yorkshire in over 35 years. We have since embarked on a new project to learn more about pine marten populations in the area and develop a conservation strategy for their long-term survival in the region. While martens are our key focus, our camera

North Pennines NNRs

0% Classified *

The North Pennines National Nature Reserves are located across County Durham, Cumbria and Northumberland, and incorporate a wide variety of rare habitat types. Help us to document the mammals that are found in these unique areas.

Sammy's test project

0% Classified *

Excited to be testing this project!

Small Mammal Camera Trapping

Please keep spotting *

Multiple priority project

Spotting demonstration

28% Classified

Collection of photos with which to demonstrate the process of spotting


66% Classified *

TEST A public project for hybrid testing


97% Classified

TEST B hybrid project for hybrid testing


80% Classified *

TEST C restricted project for hybrid testing


91% Classified

TEST D private project for hybrid testing

Upgrade Test Admin

0% Classified *

Test the biodiv component admin function following upgrade

Highland Red Squirrel Project

50% Classified *

This project, focused on understanding the impact of, and potential mitigation for, forest operations on red squirrels, is being run by a team based at the University of the Highlands and Islands in collaboration with Forest Enterprise Scotland.  Red squirrels are charismatic members of the UK’s native fauna

* Please note that the progress bars relate to the number of sequences with at least one classification. The more classifications the better, so if images are available please keep spotting, even if 100% is shown!

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